About us
We have been offering the hotel service in Tulua for 44 years, our hotel with the best location, tradition, experience and quality in the city was founded on June 18th, 1977 in the framework of the XXII Agricultural Exhibition Fair of Tulua.
Us to ensure the standardization of our processes and strategy development at competitive prices that contribute to the commercial, industrial and tourist development in the region.
Historical review
The Hotel was born from the need felt by the community and surrounding the city of Tulua and became a reality thanks to the efforts of its managers who envisioned a way to provide the ability to access hotel services with comfort, quality and timeliness. Its strategic location in the commercial artery of the city provides agility and speed when traveling for business contacts and others.
The Juan Maria Hotel named in memory of Juan María Céspedes, Priest, Scientific and Patriot who was born in Tulua and who was manager of studies of the flora in the rural area, giving rise to the famous and now Ecotourist Botanical Garden that bears his name.
Mission, Vision and Values
MISSION: To help making real the dreams of our customers; to the commercial, industrial and tourist development in the region, creating ideal environments for relaxation, tranquility and productivity.
VISION: To be recognized as the engine of commercial, industrial and tourist growth in the region, working passionately and innovatively to be preferred by our customers.
- Integrity: Having respect and loyalty to itself, to its family and others. Be honest in its job; be ethical in relations with customers, suppliers and other external entities.
- Commitment: Achieving the results to ensure the continued economic success of the company, maintaining a positive and enthusiastic attitude, doing more than the minimum of its work.
- Service: Meet in timely and reasonable needs of internal and external customer, maintaining a spontaneous spirit of collaboration and support with others without interest or selfishness.
- Progress: Promoting a culture of continuous learning that support the development of the company, its employees and its families.
Quality policy
Provide a personalized, adequate and timely service to meet the needs of our customers at competitive prices, which contribute to the commercial, industrial and tourist development of the region; with a competent, committed staff; guided by the guidelines of a culture of continuous improvement and focused on risk management.